What is ABA?

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) is widely recognized as an effective treatment for autism, that has been endorsed by a number of state and federal agencies, including the U.S. Surgeon General. ABA techniques can help children develop basic skills needed for social communication, such as looking, listening and imitating. Once mastered, the program can introduce more complex skills such as reading, conversing and understanding another person’s perspective, also called Theory of Mind. Studies show that ABA techniques can help children develop key improvements in communication, social relationships, play, and self care, which are critical for success in school and employment.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) can take a variety of different forms and there can be technical and stylistic differences in the implementation of ABA. While approaches can range from dogmatic and rigid, to completely unstructured, the Center for Growth and Development prefers to tailor a balanced plan for each child that is both flexible yet systematic and empirical in its approach to teaching.

What will a typical session with my child look like?

At the Center for Growth & Development, every child has a highly individualized program that incorporates the principles and techniques of Applied Behavior Analysis, including Verbal Behavior, Natural Environment Teaching, and Discrete Trial Teaching. Your child’s overall program will be designed around his or her strengths and deficits, with the goal of remediating those deficits so as to close the gaps between his or her performance across language, social, play, academic, motor, and self help skills and that of other children of the same age. We do this primarily through play-based instruction that incorporates activities that your child enjoys. Data is collected on the many specific skills being taught. Progress is graphed so that the efficacy of interventions can be evaluated and teaching strategies can be adjusted to ensure that your child is being provided with the most productive therapy. In a nutshell, a typical session looks like a child having a really good time learning how to do things that will make his or her life easier, and a lot more fun. The grownups have a good time, too.

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